1) Procure Adequate Funding & Staffing for Child Maltreatment Agencies & Crimes Against Children (CAC) Law Enforcement.
2) Procure States’ support to offer free, in depth Mental Health Services to those Advocates/Officers that deal with bloody diapers, broken baby bones, burned infants, starvation of toddlers and child death on a daily basis for salaries that aren’t far from the Poverty Line. The PTSD is very heavy and lasts a lifetime with most that do this work.
3) Create and procure funding & volunteers to continue SCARS’ The Other Wildlife Program. We feel introducing At-Risk / Foster Youth to exceptional outdoor experiences – Fishing, Hunting, Hiking, Boating – can not only help them find happiness for a day doing something they’ve never experienced before, but we may just open up their eyes to a better path to follow than they ever knew existed….
4) In partnership with Shadow Warriors Project, Provide Specialized Electronic Detection K9’s & Officer Handlers that are elite trained to detect computer chips/electronics commonly used to store Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) to every State. Arkansas has begun using theirs for CSAM Search Warrant investigations and Regular Spot Checks of Sex Offenders on Probation/Parole and Restricted from electronics and the internet.
5) For State Crimes Against Children Enforcement, we want Legislative & Prosecutorial triggers that automatically convene Grand Juries to hear Child Sexual & Severe Physical Abuse reports that are turned over to the Prosecutors / District Attorneys offices by Law Enforcement or CACs with their recommendations for arrest. We feel mass cases of Child Sexual & severe Physical Abuse never even seeing law enforcement, yet an arrest, is a matter of Public Emergency and largely remains unknown to the majority of We the People.
6) For the alleged/convicted Child Predators that represent themselves in Court, per their Constitutional rights, we must Remove unencumbered & unsupervised access to Photo & Video imagery, in Print & Digitally, of alleged Child Sexual Abuse to defendants accused of child sex crimes, as this imagery is used for further sexual gratification of many defendants, furthers the humiliation and lack of privacy of the child victim. This is common practice for those imprisoned now for such crimes in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
7) With the assistance of several Artists/Musicians, led by Nita Strauss of Alice Cooper, we are creating and offering an online Learn to Play an Instrument program for youth that are in Foster/Group Homes. We feel these types of learning opportunities, uncommon to most of these forgotten ones, will help many find some mental health relief and relaxation. There are many potential Musicians lost in the this system and we will, hopefully, find them and help them tell their stories. #savingkidzrocks
8) Creation & Mandated Use of a National Child Maltreatment Information Center where all incidents/reports of any Child Maltreatment or Crimes Against Children are reported and held at a Central Repository, if there is no arrest or prosecution. This will make it impossible for a Predator to violate a child without arrest in one State, then move to another and foster. There must be a National Registry to ensure Child Predators / Abusers don’t move around the USA harming babies with impunity.